MetaMemeStarter KYC Verification

KYC Verification has expired

As we clearly state on our website, we keep the information obtained during the KYC process for 1 year.
After 1 year, we permanently delete all information.
For the reason we explained above, all information about this project has been deleted since 1 year has passed.

Project Information

Project NameMeta Meme Starter
Presale addressDxSale


For details, you should join the Meta Meme Starter Telegram group.

What is KYC Service?

During the KYC process, the identities of the team members and their connection to the project were determined.

Team members provided important documents for these determinations.

What does it mean?

KYC mainly aims to protect investors against scam-rug pull.

If team members scam people:

  • We will file a criminal complaint against them in the country they are in with the documents they provide to us.
  • We will reveal their identities.

To investors: If you think a project that has passed our KYC process is a scam or rug pull, let us know. Please also explain why you think so. Our team will review your submissions and, if true, will reveal the identity of the project owners.

The fact that a project passes KYC service does not mean that we approve and recommend that project. The KYC service includes the identification of the project owner. Therefore, this service will assist the decision-making process of investors. Please DYOR.

MetaMemeStarter Project

IDO Launchpad Exclusively for MemeCoins, Metaverse and Micro-Caps

Expert in Memecoins

Raise liquidity for memecoins, shitcoins, and Charity-coins with small market caps.

Enter the Metaverse Kingdom

MetaMemeStarter offers metaverse launches for all IGO, INO & IMO participants.

Fast Launch

Launch your IDO on MetaMemeStarter within days of being approved.

Full KYC & Compliance

Regulation is not a meme, so we provide full-service KYC and whitelisting.

Please read White Paper for more info.

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