Djin Finance $DJX

Project Name: Djin Finance

Symbol: DJX

DJX is an ERC/BEP20 Token that allows you to mint, and stake, your DJX inside an NFT (DJY). The DJY NFT is called a ‘Djin’ and for every Djin that is ‘Summoned’, or Minted, 2 DJX are burned.. Each NFT Djin has a base APY of 2.5% with an additional random APY of 0-20%, max APY is 20%. The rewards can be claimed instantly and are accrued and payable every block. You can ‘Banish’, or Burn, each Djin you own to unstake and claim its tokens. Once the Djin is banished, it cannot be undone, it is forever burned. Each Djin is completely unique, utilizing 10 completely random colors. No two Djin will share the same traits or looks. Djin can be sent, received or traded on any ERC721 compatible marketplace. Whoever owns the Djin NFT can claim the rewards, so Djin can be collected to earn more DJX.

Stakeable NFT DJIN’s

Stakeable Djin’s allow you to earn a variable APY on your DJX tokens. Simply Summon a genie to hold the amount of tokens you desire, and earn a variable APY that pays every second.


Each Djin’s color scheme and APY is based off their bloodline, ensuring each Djin is unique to their bloodline. Variable APY’s range from base 2.5% to nearly 20% (Extremely rare).

Variable APY

All Djin are not created equal. Djin are ensured with a base staking rate of 2.5% (Variable based on community governance). Extremely rare Djin have higher APY than other Djin, some as high as 10%, creating a demand for the rarest Djin with the highest APY.

Presale Details

Liquidity lock rate30%
Liquidity lock time11 months
Softcap500 BNB
Hardcap2400 BNB
Min-Max per account5 BNB max
Presale price166,66666667 DJX / per BNB
Listing price125 DJX / per BNB
StartSat 12 Jun 17:04 UTC
EndSat 26 Jun 17:00 UTC
Participationnot private

Presale Launchpad: Unicrypt Network(PancakeswapV2)

Click for Presale Address

DJX info

Contact address: 0xA1706fb8FEB46E50208D4099332906c321da953D

Token type: BEP20

Total Supply: 1,000,000 DJX 

DJX is the primary ERC20 token. This interfaces with the DJY NFT contract to summon Djin. You can store your DJX inside a summoned DJY Djin. This is where you ‘stake’ or earn rewards. Earch reward is calculated every second depending on the APY and size of the Djin NFT token. 2 DJX are burned per summon. Once you have a DJY token, you can send the Djin to friends or sell them on the open market.

Audit by Solidity (report)

DJX’s links

Disclaimer: This is a Press Release. Please DYOR


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